
Pilates with Purpose is a fully equipped Classical Pilates studio in the heart of Woodstock, NB. 


To quote Joseph Pilates, we are passionate about helping you ‘return to life’. Yes, Joseph Pilates was a real person! We follow closely the Classical Pilates Method as it has been passed down from elders who studied with Joe. Your life is hectic, but your Pilates class shouldn't be. Challenging, yes; hectic, no! We customize your private session or small group class to meet the needs of your body on that day.

"Be in control of your body and not at its mercy" - Joseph Pilates


Side Arm Series - Reformer


What is Pilates Anyway?

"Pilates exercises as a whole develop strong abdominal, back, butt and deep postural muscles to support skeletal system and act as what Pilates called the 'powerhouse' of the body. The Pilates method works to strengthen the center, lengthen the spine, increase body awareness, build muscle tone and gain flexibility. The Pilates Method is also an excellent rehabilitation system for back, knee, hip, shoulder, and repetitive stress injuries. Pilates addresses the body as a whole, correcting the body's asymmetries and chronic weaknesses to prevent re-injury and bring the body back into balance." - Ellie Herman of Ellie Herman Pilates NYC

Simply put - Pilates is a big 'thank you' to your body for all it does for you.

What does this mean for you?

We believe Pilates can be right for EVERY body. Pilates is natural movement that encourages concentration with a focus on breath, while strengthening and balancing the whole body by targeting those lesser used muscles. The Pilates method is designed for beginner to advanced bodies. From just off the couch to the highest level of athlete, you can benefit from incorporating Pilates into your routine. The key is consistency and persistence to feel the benefits.

Finding Rotation on the Wunda Chair!


Whether you want to improve your golf game, ease body aches, strengthen the core, not pee your pants when you cough, sneeze and jump (ladies we know there are a few of you out there!), or simply be more active, there is a Pilates session that is right for you.


Those flexed feet keep instructors happy!

What are you waiting for? Come see us!

Joseph Pilates had a vision that his work would offer a ‘return to life.’ This means we don’t want our clients to do Pilates to be better at Hundred, Teaser, Swan, or Jackknife; we want you to do Pilates to be better at LIFE! Why has Pilates stood the test of time? Because it works.


Pilates helps with posture, alignment, core strength, uniform development, breathing and so much more! Call or message us now while it's on your mind, you won't be sorry you did! The studio is open Tuesday -Saturday. See the Group Mat Class Schedule HERE.


Don't take our word for it - Testimonials

Meet the owner - Hannah

Questions? FAQ

Ready to get Started? See the Class Schedule